Feeling Stressed?

16 June, 2008 at 4:41 PM
What sort of things do you do when you're stressed? Here's my selection from today:

1. Typed in incorrect websites. Eg. www.facebook.uq.edu.au (correct site www.facebook.com).
And www.caradvice.uq.edu.au (correct site www.caradvice.com.au).
And www.mobileburn.qld.gov.au (correct site www.mobileburn.com).

2. Walked into the university toilet and sat down when I meant to go down the stairwell in Chamberlain (Building 35 at UQ)

3. Called tried to borrow out my own notepad using one of the library scanners (the book was underneath it).

And still, it’s been a lovely day =).

The sun shines upon my face and truly I know His hand is upon my life. Exams around the corner? Meh. =)

In Faith, Hope and Love!


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