Humor me as I reflect on what it means to have vision. Let’s have a look at two quotes:
“Why, the world’s mine oyster, which I with sword will open.” William Shakespeare
‘The world was my oyster but I used the wrong fork.” Oscar Wilde

I like these quotes because they demonstrate two different but equally crucial aspects of life. If you’ve ever shucked (read: opened) oysters before, you will know it is not a pleasant business… there’re finger cuts, slippages and the inevitable lost morsel. Shucking an oyster is a time consuming process, but it is one in which the final reward is greater than the interim investment. Herein lies supposition #1 – life is a long term decision.

And how about the unforgettable use of a wrong fork? Indulge me with some imagination for a moment. You have shucked your oyster, cutting your thumb in the process, which is throbbing from the ingress of natural sea salt. But you have it! You scooped the soft silky body out of its shell, transfer it to your mouth and then… whoops! It fell on the floor. You see, unlocking opportunity is only the first step in a multiphase process. For the purposes of today, the phases number two, the second phase being learning how to embrace the opportunities one has been blessed with. Leading me to supposition #3 – without proper preparation, all opportunities count for nothing.
All of this leads to a single conclusion – I need to make long-term decisions about my life that will only come about from informed and convicting decisions. These decisions will open up many meaningful opportunities that necessitate my being ready in order to maximise them to their fullest potential and thus completing the process from which they were borne out of. Not only that, but these decisions will help me stay my course with God.

Education takes time. And while the lazy person never has enough time for anything, the busy person will always be able to find time for something they love
It’s a bit of a mouthful but can you see the process that is at work?
As of 3 hours ago, I am now 22. Wow! Getting old. According to my original 10-year plan, I will own my house in a year, be married in two years time, and have made my first million dollars in 3 years. Let me tell you how I am going on each of those fronts. 1) I know where I want to live, that’s about all. 2) Haven’t fused with anyone yet and I can’t marry myself, so… 3) Since I started working in 2000, I have made approximately $38,000. Therefore I am roughly 4% towards my goal.
Unlike my 20-21 year gap, I didn’t set myself many goals this past year. Well, actually I did, but I lost the piece of paper that I wrote them on so I can’t hold myself accountable ^^. So I won’t dwell on that aspect (which is lost, anyway,) and just go straight into what I see for me and my future. But to understand where I want to be, one must understand where I am NOW. So, sit back and grab a pillow as I invite you calibrate yourself with my life.
Right now I am a part-time university student studying physiotherapy (Honours) at the University of Queensland. I am part-time due to failing an essential hospital component that has excluded me from final year clinical practice. I am an Honours student because I believe that there is no value to any profession unless one aims to pioneer new ground in it or become an outstanding example of best practise. Due to the dubious credibility of my ‘fail’, I 100% believe that I failed my exams not due to inadequacy on my behalf but because my God made a divine appointment with me. He did so that I may transfer the excellence I have fostered in other applications to working for the good of His commission – that is, reaching out to people who are lonely and hurting because their life lacks substantiated meaning.
I am the son of a Filipino Chinese father and a Singaporean Chinese mother who are now divorced. My father has business interests relating to tourism, hospitality and property in Southern Philippines. My mother works with aged care, and is engaged in taking care of homestay students after hours. I currently work as a L1 sports trainer with a Brisbane-based soccer club and perform additional contract work to primary and secondary schools around Brisbane. I also have an interest in modelling, currently.
I believe in truth, which might sound strange to you but I feel the need to say, because the lifestyles of MANY people in this world deny truth a place. Truth is, by nature, exclusive. It excludes all the things that are not truthful. Because I acknowledge the persistence and underlying capacity of truth to act as a motivator, I am convicted of my obligation to pursue truth in all forms. Spiritually, professionally, socially, personally… the list goes on.
I am a Christian. I believe in one God, who is present in three distinct manifestations and who is active and personal in my daily life. I believe there is no greater power than He and that it is through His unconditional love that this world is still blessed, despite its fallen nature. I acknowledge that my God is mysterious and I will never be able to fully fathom His ways, but as an expression of my love I will keep on pursuing understanding that I may more fully live into the character that He has created for me.
I currently attend Hope Brisbane Church at the UQ St Lucia campus. My attendance was also divinely mediated through a convergence of extraordinary circumstances that have left me beyond doubt as to its nature. Similar to the way I found myself contributing to OCF, I will aim to serve Hope, until He calls me once again. To something new. Something relevant. But until that time – whenever that may be –, I submit to the authority of the church, strive for its goals, and thus come under the protection of its leaders.
I have many secondary passions in life, so much so that I’m not even going to list them here. My passions entertain me, keep me active and engaged, and give me a reason to wake up every single day with too many things to do but 24 hours to do them in. I therefore believe that boredom is a fault of oneself, an indicator of the consumerism that covers society like a plague. I don’t believe that all lives were created equal, but this does not mean that I think life is unfair. There is nothing in my life that I am ashamed of because I recognise that every single part of it works for the glory of God in me. Therefore, I harbour no secrets.

No secrets? That's right. You get to see me when I'm silly (pictured), happy, serious, cranky, or blonde, as well as every other permutation in between. Don't get me rong though; I wear my heart on my sleeve, but it's clothed with diplomacy
Because of everything that I am, everything that I am not but want to be, and some things that I am not and do not want to be, I have a vision that will be further updated and refined as the circumstances in my life have advised.
These three aspects were last talked about on my XANGA site, in reference to Micah 6:8. Humility so that I know my rightful place in what I do. Integrity so that there is unity between all aspects of my character. Mercy so that I learn to die to self, for the sake of others.
Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude. In fostering an attitude of excellence I aim to pioneer new ground in every thing I do and for the benefit of those around me.
Clarity of mind loves clarity of passion; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what he loves. In remaining passionate, I live in the hope of achieving my vision, for I know that without passion, I will not complete my race.
There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. In being purposeful with the greater vision, I am liberated to act spontaneously on the minutiae of everyday life.

Given that I’m 22, I thought that it’s pertinent to do an 8-year roadmap. In the fine tradition of applying knowledge to reduce redundancies, I will not log any uncertainties (such as marriage), concentrating instead on the milestones closest to my heart.
23 – I want to graduate into a well-networked job paying at least 20% higher than industry average and offering me with many opportunities to increase my clinical skills. I want to be serving in a ministry where my actions directly impact the lives of those around me, spurring people onward to focus on our God.
25 – I want to be recognised within the physiotherapy industry for 1) commitment to best practise methods, peer-nominated excellence in treatment, and specialisation in a commercially and socially viable area of practise. 2) Undertaking research on evidence-based practise, changing the way that physiotherapy is delivered not only in Australia, but the world.
26 – I want my own fully-owned (that means paid-off) house within proximity to my parent (or parents). This house will be used to further extend my ministry as a place of caring, encouragement and empowerment.
27 – I want to achieve financial stability. I will be earning above $120K a year from physiotherapy and above $50K a year from extracurricular activities such as share trading, sports medicine and guest lecturing. The portion of my finances not reserved for supporting my family, church, and other charitable causes will be locked into an investment account, accruing interest for the purposes of generating financial equity should I ever find myself in turbulent financial times.
28 – I want to set up my own business. This may be in conjunction with my father or as part of my own desire to create cutting-edge applications of physiotherapy. The purpose of this is to create greater flexibility in my work hours in order to free up time for a predicted upscaling in social and personal activities.
29 – I want to own four investment properties in at least two countries based at university campuses around South-East Asia. These houses will be used for rental but also as ministry houses for students to meet together and spend time in fellowship. The houses will be specifically designed as such in order to accommodate these needs.
30 – Coinciding with a predicted increase in volume traffic across the Northside of Brisbane, I want to renovate the existing premises at 818 South Pine Road (or any other sizeable block of land) to create a suite of subtropical-themed apartments that will be leased out to a primary population of young couples. This will also be used as a ministry tool to outreach into the community, done through monthly newsletters and social gatherings held with the tenants. 50% of the profit after tax from this investment will go towards charitable causes.
30 – ...I think I’ll want a very long holiday =)
I'm not saying these things for show. I don't mean to intimidate or inspire you with my vision. If that happens, it's incidental. No, what I write down here is a declaration of my faith in what I believe I am equipped to do. And as you are my witness, so to is God my signatory. Join me as I make my dreams a reality!
in Faith, Hope and Love!
Greetings Tedde
On the subject of whether the one GOD is indeed "present in three distinct manifestations";
I recommend this video:
The Human Jesus
Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you in your quest for truth.
Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor
Hello Adam!
Firstly, thanks for dropping a line into this subject. I have watched the video, albeit not in it's entirety because of the time over here (3am).
I do have reservations with the way that the content is being presented and, while not a scholar myself, will do respond to this issue with a formal blog post in the near future. If you are still around, feel free to comment :)
I still stand by my comment. Look at John 9:38. "Yes Lord, then man said, "I believe!" And he worshipped Jesus. Does not the Torah mention that 'thou shall not worship any other gods besides me.' (Deut 5:7). If the infallibility of the Bible were to be true and the translation correct, then there is an issue with the Jewish perspective.
That's just one of several instances I have found in some furious Bible flicking while listening to your link.
I pray this causes you no offence. I seek our God with all my heart and I pray you do, too :). Stay tuned for my post on this! May we learn together :).
Hello Tedde
Hope you slept well. :-)
Now the Scriptures are indeed infallible; however GOD did NOT translate the Bible ... mankind did ... So yes, there are issues!!
Always bear in mind, that the people who translated the Scriptures into English had their own bias. This can be seen in the way certain Hebrew/Greek words are translated.
For example the word "worship"
Did you know that the Hebrew word for "worship", shachah, is used more times in reference to men than in reference to GOD in the Hebrew Bible?
So, scripturally, shachah can be given both to men and GOD!
shachah truly means to bow one's head, to show/do reverence to someone, to show/make obeisance to someone. It is what someone does before a king ...
to bow your head before a king is shachah.
And of course, to fall down before GOD is also shachah; as well as to worship GOD.
So strictly speaking, shachah should be translated as "worship" when used in regards to GOD.
And translated "bow down", "make/do obeisance", "do reverence" when used in regards to kings, dignitaries, men of status, etc.
And in most cases this is how it is translated in our bibles.
Now, the Greek equivalent to shachah is the word proskuneo.
It has practically the same meaning.
And therefore, should have been translated in the same manner in the NT.
Here's the catch & bias.
When used in regards to GOD it is indeed translated as "worship".
However, because the translators (wrongly) believed that Jesus of Nazareth was also GOD!? When proskuneo is used in regards to the man Jesus, instead of translating it as "make/do obeisance" or "do reverence";
they translated it as "worship"
Hence, the confusion. English readers read verses such as John 9:38; and think Haha! Jesus is worshipped, therefore Jesus must be GOD!!
But no. The blind man was healed by a man of GOD, a mighty prophet, as far as he was concerned [John 9.17].
Then this mysterious man by the name of Jesus reveals to him that he is
"the Son of GOD" [9.35].
From the Hebrew Scriptures, "Son of GOD" is a royal title for the "King of Israel"
Compare: (John 1:49) Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.
(See also 2 Sam 7.14, 1 Chr 28.6)
What does one do before their King?
That right! You would bow down before your King; especially if you were a Jew, and before you, is the Promised King Messiah,
the Son of GOD!!
So that is exactly what he did in John 9.38. He bowed/proskuneo before his King. Sadly, the biased translators translated it as "worship". Hence the confusion.
Even in the parable in Matthew 18:23f; the servant was besought (verse 29) whilst the "lord of the servant", who was a king was worshipped (verses 23,26).
Why was the king worshipped? Because proskuneo is what you do before a king.
Think about that. In this parable, the lord of the servant isn't GOD!!
He is a human king!!
Another example is in the OT (Hebrew Bible)
1 Chr 29:20 is a classic example showing the word shachah being used in both senses, i.e. towards GOD and man!
(1 Chr 29:20) And David said to all the congregation, Now bless YAWHEH your God. And all the congregation blessed YAHWEH God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped YAHWEH, and the king.
Tedde, David is not GOD! So why is he being worshipped?
Because there is a worship/shachah which is applicable to kings & dignitaries; and there is a worship/shachah which is applicable solely to GOD.
And the same kind of worship that was given to king David (as well as other kings in the OT) was the same kind of worship that the healed blind man was giving to Jesus!!
Tedde, I show more examples and more details of this subject in this article:
The Worship of Christ
Have a read!
Tedde, I am so glad you're furiously flicking the Bible.
That is the "noble" thing to do as shown by the Bereans in Acts 17.11.
So let's flick the Bible together. I am definitely not offended. This is what it is all about: (Prov 27:17) Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Let's sharpen each other so that we can be more skilful in rightly dividing the word of truth.
[2 Tim 2.15]
Yes indeed, May we learn together :).