The BeeDee girl was, as always, making me laugh (or at least smirk violently) just by her presence - nothing new there. But oh! Tell you what was new, though - her perfume! Very fruitylicious ^^. Great taste jodydody; that is a knock-out perfume (for me at least hahaha). Also caught up with VenVenVen (means comecomecome! in Spanish?) who was waging mental war against fleas, and Joanna, who went on to wage war against a waiter with social issues :D. We haven't been together as a group since... Joanna's party last year! I think. Vaguely, anyway. Also saw Aaron! But the Mista Man was quiet as usual, and I didn't have the right mentailty to poke him ;). Another time, promise!
And then the new peeps whom I got significant (read: >5mins) runtime with - I tried to talk to everyone but inevitably there were a few convos that dominated the night. In order of meeting - Bjorn (he told me he had a hearing difficulty but I couldn't hear him half the time! =S sorry, man!); Ron and Yoshimi, in my second encounter with them - funny funny couple, I luv ya guys, you make me smile; Melanie, with whom I now seem to have an asian-asian disclosure agreement? *coughcough*; Helen, whose relentless teasing I seem to have attracted (what did I ever do to deserve it apart from saying you came from the moon? *attempts to look pathetic and fails*) and Yao-Yang, who amused me for reasons I cannot remember anymore... O.o
But enough talking. Here's some photos:

half-serious picture

not-serious-at-all picture. Who takes out the title of camwhore between the two of us?

venecia's moment to shine

the sneeze-and-cleave shot. you had to be there to appreciate it

group pic! sorry I seem not to have taken individual photos of everyone... =|

picture-in-picture? with face recognition?
In-in all it was a good night, with good company and good, clean fun. Thankies to all of you peeps!
In Faith, Hope and Love!